The five best activities in the Stubai autumn to experience and discover

Last updated on 17.08.2023

This year, visitors and locals alike can once again look forward to the “Echt Stubai (real Stubai) Autumn-Highlights”. For five weeks, from Monday, 04 September, to Sunday, 08 October, a colourful programme will be offered near Innsbruck, in keeping with the season, which will delight young and old in the alpine holiday region. Whether musical, culinary, traditional or sporty-active: the Stubai Valley has a lot to offer and so there is something for everyone.

When the animals and their shepherds return safely from the alpine pastures to the villages, there is a celebration. This tradition is also held dear in the Stubai Valley. © TVB Stubai Tirol

Decorated cattle at the “Almabtrieb” in the Stubai Valley

The end of summer in the Stubai Valley is traditionally heralded with the “Almabtrieb”. Literally, because the farm animals cannot be ignored, when they’re adorned with magnificent floral decorations and large bells. Cows, sheep and goats are driven from the alpine pastures and meadows back to the valley, where they can spend the winter months in their home stables. The driving down of the cattle from the alpine pastures is a spectacle that is celebrated every year in the villages of the Stubai Valley. In Fulpmes, the animals enter the valley on Saturday, 9 September. The procession continues one week later on Saturday, 16 September, in Neustift and Telfes. After the processions, farmers’ markets and food stalls provide for physical well-being and live music for a good atmosphere. On Saturday, 23 September, the animals will be brought back to the valley for the last time in the Milders district of Neustift and the homecoming will be celebrated at the farm festival at the “Brollerhof”.

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This year, the traditional Schlickeralm run will also host the Tyrolean championships in mountain running. © TVB Stubai Tirol

Up in a hurry – the Schlickeralm Run 2023

The sporty Stubai autumn highlight takes place on Saturday, 09 September. The 34th Schlickeralm Run is a mountain run that is one of the most renowned in the world. The sporting event has a long tradition in the Stubai Valley and has already been the venue for numerous international championships. From the starting point in Telfes, the longer of the two running courses leads through an impressive mountain backdrop of forests, meadows and streams, first to the glittering panorama lake and finally further up along winding mountain paths to the finish at Kreuzjoch, in the Schlick 2000 hiking centre. The unique view of the entire Stubai Valley rewards both the runners for their efforts and the audience for cheering on this special event.

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At the Stubai farmers’ market in Neustift you can buy fresh products from homemade production. © TVB Stubai Tirol

Feasting on regional produce at the Stubai farmers’ markets

Not only unique, but also weekly experiences are offered that reflect the Stubai region in all its facets. Every Friday, farmers invite you to the Stubai farmers’ market at the music pavilion in Neustift. Visitors can choose from regional delicacies and take home culinary products of the best quality from their holidays. Whether smoked bacon, home-baked bread or hearty cheese from the farm – everything comes directly from the Stubai Valley. Not only guests appreciate this offer, also the locals of Stubai are happy about the variety of regional cuisine.

Enjoyment expressly permitted in the Stubai autumn! © TVB Stubai Tirol/Andre Schoenherr

Free activity, pleasure and history programme

Visitors can immerse themselves even more deeply in the landscape and culture of the Stubai Valley on guided tours. They also take place regularly during the five weeks of the autumn highlights and are offered free of charge. Sports enthusiasts can join the High moor hikes at the Serles lifts in Mieders, take part in guided hikes along the Wild Water Trail, to huts, alpine pastures, peaks, in the Schlick 2000 and on the Stubai Glacier or cycle through the valley on the e-bike sightseeing tour. Connoisseurs can be introduced to the art of distilling on a guided tour of the schnapps distillery or visit a bee house. Insights into the cultural heritage of the Stubai Valley can be gained on site visits and church tours in Neustift and Fulpmes as well as on visits to the Blacksmith Museum in Fulpmes, the Museum of Local History in Neustift and the “Pittlmühle” in Mieders.

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At “Klang und Gsang auf den Almen”, real folk musicians play music on the alpine pastures of the Stubai Valley. © TVB Stubai Tirol/Lukas Pfurtscheller

Musical highlights with a view at the mountain railways

Those looking for musical content on their holiday are also offered countless opportunities during the autumn highlights. Every week, different folk music groups play at the summit stations of the mountain railways in the Stubai Valley and underline the picturesque view down into the valley with sounds typical of the region. In addition, the mountain huts offer the right culinary programme for music lovers. For live music, the Stubai Glacier mountain station presents the Stubai Glacier delicacies on Mondays from 12 noon and every Wednesday from 1 pm you can listen to traditional Tyrolean folk music at the Elferbahn mountain station. At the Schlick 2000 mountain station Kreuzjoch, “Stocki & friends” play everything from Oberkrainer folk music to Austropop and evergreens every Thursday from 1 pm. On Sundays, from 12.30 p.m., you are invited to the “Stubai G’spiel und G’sang” around the Serles lifts. On 29 September, smaller and larger ensembles perform their musical skills at “Klang und Gsang auf den Almen” (Sound and Song on the Alpine pastures), giving guests a piece of the Stubai Valley’s cultural heritage to take with them on their way.
