Rafting, cycling, running – the start of the summer season in ImstA look back at the first battles, a look ahead to sporting events

Last updated on 18.06.2024

Imst/Tyrol, May 2024: With the Imst Raft Battle and the eighth Imst Cycling Marathon in the Imst mountains at the beginning of May with more than a thousand outdoor rang in the summer season. At the start of the season, the athletes battled it out on water. Then it was off to the bike and over the mountains in the outdoor region, which invites you to sporting events and highlights in summer. Who will take on the challenges?

©Christof Nentwichs

The Imst Raft Battle
100 participants took up the challenge at the sold-out Raftbattle, the first big event of the season. Event of the season, and battled their way through 13 kilometers of rapids and rapids and white water to the finish line. May 04, 2024 was the day of battle in Imst battle and filled with immense anticipation for the season. The winning strategies of the participants were as individual as their previous knowledge of knowledge of whitewater rafting. With experienced guides at their side, a total of 14 warm-up and small games at AREA 47, a total of 14 teams took to the water and broadened their horizons with (another) wet and fun experience. After reaching the finish line and the award ceremony, the best costumed teams were also honored. The evening was more relaxed. With cool drinks and BBQ, the teams celebrated in unity and let the evening fade away, already making plans for next year’s event.

The eighth Imst cycling marathon
On May 12, 2024, around 1,400 passionate cyclists kicked off the season and climbed the mountains of the outdoor region and the surrounding area in the first the surrounding area. Enthusiastic atmosphere at the start, breathtaking views during the finish line of the Imster Cycle Marathon route and a great atmosphere at the finish. The annual event once again thrilled participants in participants once again this year with a new design. With a record record number of participants, the 2024 cycling marathon was a real a real guest magnet.

Outlook for further sporting events in the Imst outdoor season
Rafting and cycling are followed by running – the Tschirgant Skyrun starts on June 15, 2024 and
brings the next enthusiastic sports group to a season highlight in the region. With the warm-up on the evening before in the Rosengarten Gorge, the feeling of competition will be the feeling of competition spreads again in Imst. Some will be fighting for victory, others for personal best times and others against their inner bastard. One thing is one thing is certain: anyone who has conquered the Tschirgant with its 2,370 meters not only knows the the Inntal and the Gurgltal, but also know themselves a whole lot better. At the foot of the Tschirgant lies Imst, the starting point for the Sky Run. There are three variants
professional athletes, amateur athletes and even the world elite are represented and experience the
Imst nature up close and personal in their very own way. The longest variant with 52 kilometers in length and 3,500 meters in altitude runs partly directly over the ridge of the Tschirgant, guaranteeing the best views of the mountains and valleys. Variant two with 26 kilometers kilometers and 1,900 meters of altitude difference is worthy of an alpine trail run route and variant three is 42 or 16 kilometers across country through the Imst countryside. Anyone interested in taking part can book the event here: https://www.tschirgantsky.run/
“Our outdoor region offers a wide range of sporting activities for holidaymakers throughout the year.
vacationers throughout the year. In addition, a variety of events around the offer regularly attract sports enthusiasts to the region to experience sporting heights in the Imst nature and set new records. For guests to the region, as well as for and locals, the sporting events are always among the highlights of the season”, says Bernd Kiechl, Managing Director of Imst Tourismus.